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11 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Milton
David F. y otras 10 personas recomiendan a Milton
David F.
Muy bien ! Agradable y excelente professor ! Muchas gracias.
Tania Gretler
"I found the Spanish ELE course with Professor Milton excellent! From the first moment he proved to be very organized, clear and empathetic, both with foreign students, and with future Spanish teachers, as in my case. In the classes he was able to effectively combine the teaching of Spanish as well as other fundamental and complementary aspects such as the culture and customs of the Spanish-speaking countries, which will be very valuable when teaching our classes to foreign students. He demonstrated his vast experience with well-prepared, dynamic and enriching classes, with a complete study plan, with clear content and easy to follow. All this accompanied by excellent teaching material that is my constant guide today as a Spanish teacher. In his classes I learned how to program and organize the lessons. Based on his vast experience, he manages to teach from a very real perspective and transmit security and confidence, fundamental for a teacher when facing a class. Definitely r
Milton brought with him an extensive background in Spanish Language and literature, along with a positive attitude and engaging personality. Milton is an enthusiastic teacher, a strong encouragement to students, a pragmatic and results-oriented educator, and as a teacher I value that virtue very much! He is extremely well organized and adapts his teaching to the needs of his students. Instructional time is not only dedicated to fun, but he makes his students have a real improvement in the Spanish knowledge. In short, he is the best teacher and a lovable person!
Roger Gretler
"100 % EMPFOHLEN!!!! Ich bin wirklich zufrieden mit meinem Unterricht bei Maestro Milton. Er hat eine klare Aussprache, er liebt die spanische Sprache und er unterrichtet mit Begeisterung. Obwohl er während des Unterrichts viel Zeit zum Üben der Konversation einräumt, lässt er Grammatik und Aussprache nicht außer Acht. Er spricht mit mir immer auf Spanisch und benutzt Englisch nur, wenn es notwendig ist, was für mich sehr wichtig ist, da ich Spanisch so viel wie möglich sprechen und hören muss, um fließend zu sprechen. Er fand schnell heraus, dass meine Punkte in einem so erstaunlichen Tempo ausgearbeitet werden konnten, was für mich angesichts der kurzen Zeit, die mir für den Kurs zur Verfügung stand, sehr wichtig war. Am wichtigsten ist, dass er nie aufgegeben hat, mir die Angst zu nehmen, einen Fehler zu machen, wenn ich Spanisch spreche. Ich nehme zweimal wöchentlich Spanischunterricht, und schon nach kurzer Zeit bemerkte ich wichtige Ergebnisse! Vielen Dank, Milton".
Wonderful teacher! As a Spanish language tutor I would like to highly recommend Professor Milton for all the care and dedication he puts into the presentation of his Spanish classes, with such an interesting and extensive program, through innovative teaching methods, the use of audio and video tools to support the learning process. He effectively manages to improve his students' grammar, conversation, listening, reading, pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, not only through direct study of grammar rules, but also indirectly through a really effective practice. Her students finish the classes truly happy, because they not only progress in their learning, but they gain the confidence and security they need to speak Spanish. Milton is a teacher who stands out for his wisdom and constant good humor!
Milton est un excellent professeur qui m'a beaucoup aidée lors de mon arrivée en Argentine et dans mon apprentissage de l'espagnol. Il sait merveilleusement bien associer humour et rigueur. J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à suivre ses cours et c'est grace à lui que j'ai vraiment pu persévérer et que je suis apte aujourd'hui à être complètement à l'aise dans le maniement de la langue espagnole. Il a su faire preuve d'inventivité lors de mon apprentissage, de flexibilité concernant les horaires et mes disponibilités et a su insister et ne pas laisser passer mes erreurs. Je le recommande chaleureusement. Merci Milton.
Dan Hallman
Milton was perfect, patient and knew how to make each class interesting for me when I moved to Argentina from New York City. From listening to my interests and tailoring the classes and homework, verb drills to subject matter personal to me to educating me on South American culture all the while honing in on my listening and speaking skills. We had classes twice a week in person for two years in Buenos Aires, then online for another year. I can thank Milton for helping me become a fluent Spanish speaker.
Santiago Geerts
I have been very fortunate to have found Teacher Milton! I have always found his classes very fun and enjoyable, based on an organized learning plan. I use Spanish in my daily life, and I can say that as a result of studying with him I finally speak Spanish! My grammar and vocabulary have also improved considerably. I recommend Milton over all the other instructors I have had!
Analia Rivas
Milton is a highly professional and talented teacher. Even though I have taken classes before, I have never been able to really speak or communicate in Spanish, and I thought I would never make it. Partly I think it's because I am a very shy person, but Milton from the first class gave me the confidence to speak, without being intimidated. He planned my classes according to my difficulties and abilities!
Mrs. Alice J.S. Link
Milton was ready to help me from the very first class. He knew about my needs in advance thanks to a written and oral on line tests. He explained everything easily, topics I had never understood before in other Spanish classes, so , finally, I was able to take part in a real conversation naturally. I found myself shifting from shyly answering "yes" or "no" to full sentences in the present, future and past in less than a month.
Milton is a patient, dedicated and committed teacher. He is always well aware of the students’ level and is careful not to use words or expressions the student is not yet familiar with. He gradually adds the expressions presented which help build the learner with confidence. The materials he uses are excellent and cover each and every topic. ¡Gracias, Milton! Silvia
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