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Clases de Español
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Los alumnos de Daniela opinan: Los alumnos de Daniela opinan:
Daniela taught me through private lessons for four years while I lived in Mexico City. Her teaching stands out for her professionalism and deep knowledge of the Spanish language. Im addition to the...
Daniela taught me through private lessons for four years while I lived in Mexico City. Her teaching stands out for her...
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Clases de español para extranjeros o temas relacionados a la redacción

Descripción del anuncio
Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la UNAM.
Diplomado para enseñar español como lengua extranjera por el CEPE-UNAM
Certificación en trámite de ELE internacional para dar clases en línea.
10 años de experiencia en el mundo de la enseñanza.
7 años como profesora de español para extranjeros y 3 más en un proyecto educativo por la Secretaria de Educación de la Ciudad de México.
27 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Daniela
T. Mills y otras 26 personas recomiendan a Daniela
T. Mills
Daniela taught me through private lessons for four years while I lived in Mexico City. Her teaching stands out for her professionalism and deep knowledge of the Spanish language. Im addition to the language she provides valuable insights into contemporary Mexican society, making the classes not only informative but also culturally enriching.
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Daniela was an excellent Spanish teacher! I have taken many classes virtually and she helped me understand vocabulary and sentence structure and is very patient and helpful. Thank you so much!!
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Louise Edwards
Daniela is so patient and encouraging. She gave me the confidence to try to speak Spanish even if it was basic. I like her approach using some online, some text book learning and homework. I highly recommend her if you want to start speaking Spanish.
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