English is like food, the secret is a varied diet

[Spanish version]

The more resources the better!

If you ask me for advice on the best method to learn Enlish I would tell you to use a variety of resources. Learning a new language is like starting a diet. Just like nutrition, studying also requires a rich set of sources and methods.

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Methods and materials

The good news is that those ways and materials are available for anyone with an Internet connection. Nowadays through the world wide web you have access to hundreds of thousands of videos. You have also grammar books to be downloaded, a click from you. There are exercises, infographics, discussion forums, online tests, apps for your smarthphone, and more!

Now, the main thing in my opinion is that, same than with food, there is here a pyramid of importance to be respected. You can´t eat only candies even though you can eat some. Meat all day and all night won´t be healthy neither. And you have to, you must, eat vegetables and fruits every day.

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I mean, you can eat whatever you want to, you can study a new language however you want to, but if you want to be healthy and feel fresh, you have to care about what to eat. There it is where vegetables and fruits go into the large base of the pyramid.

If you want to learn English you can use many resources and it´s good that you use them. My advice is that you place on the large base of your English learning pyramid what it cares the most, something without which the rest will be incomplete and useless.

Talking with people

This is talking to someone else at least once a week. Each week you have to give one hour of one day to talking to other real person, who can answer you and make you questions. Dialogue is the very base to learn any language. Dialogue helps your brain not only as training but also as a motivation.

If you find a partner who shares some of your own interests you will be expecting the day and the hour to see him or her again and keep talking about that. That can be an online friend, can be a neighbor, or can be a teacher. Whoever he or she is doesn´t matters, but that has to be on your weekly schedule. That has to be on your agenda if you really want to make progress in your second language.

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Language is to communicate

Communication is real interaction between two or more people. Thus you will only be learning a language when you talk with other people, when you really communicate. He or she could be a friend or any other person who speaks English or is learning it. If he or she is a teacher you will be also able to correct your mistakes and learn more, a second advantage.

I hope it helps you to move forward, talk more with other people, and enhance your English! Good luck!
