Learn a language SMARTER using the 80/20 principle.

Can you learn a language in 3 months? What if I told you, YES.

The trick is very simple - SPECIFIC LEARNING.

If I gave you 3 months to learn english with an english language book do you think you could do it? I doubt it. There is too much volume! But, what if I gave you 3 months to learn about the parts of the guitar in english. Do you think we could have a full conversation about that after 3 months? OF COURSE! Why? Its simple, there is a smaller number of things to learn.

If you have ever heard of the 80/20 principle you will understand that you can get 80% of things done with only 20% of the work. How? Well let me explain in language terms - the 300 most common words in english make up 65% of the whole language! If you break that down into a 90 day period (three months) that means you could have 65% (the building blocks for the entire language) by learning just 3 words a day! Plus, most people only use between 300-500 words a day! Its time to start learning SMART!

The trick to effective learning is asking yourself what do you WANT to talk about! What do you want to be able to express yourself about? The things you are interested in! Build that specific set of words and knowledge up and apply yourself! You will be suprised at the results.

I encourage everyone to take their language learning to the next level by learning through their hobbies. I offer lessons in English through music lessons or online business.